UNIT# 14 1716 Hofheinz Lot# 14, San Marcos, Tx, 78666
Rent: 1,155.00
Minimum Deposit: 1,155.00
Available Date:
Rooms: 3-1
SqFt: 924
All Electric: True
Deposit based on rental and Personal history
UNIT# 23 1716 Hofheinz lot# 23, San Marcos, Tx, 78666
Rent: 1,620.00
Minimum Deposit: 1,595.00
Available Date: 11-15-2003
Rooms: 4-2
SqFt: 1,152
All Electric: False
Deposit based on rental and Personal history
UNIT# 27 1716 Hofheinz lot# 27, San Marcos, Tx, 78666
Rent: 995.00
Minimum Deposit: 995.00
Available Date: 01-31-2023
Rooms: 2-1
SqFt: 576
All Electric: False
Deposit based on rental and Personal history